My cute little 1 year old haning out and Grammy's...My what big eyes you have!!! ;)
Stay-at-home Day Date with Daddy! He got em all dressed up and took this picture. SO cute!
Came around the corner and caught a rare moment. The girls actually laying still! So cute, them cuddling up. :)
There's that little smile I love so much! Nothing will brighten up her little spirit like playing outside in the sunshine!!

Awww my sweet little daydreamer. Riding the bike that Grandpa Alan gave her. She's getting pretty speedy on it but I managed to catch her sitting still for once!

Lily found a leaf! One of many to come this fall, I'm sure! Such an exciting treasure! :)

Lily is still too little for this trike but daddy saved the day by pushing her around for awhile. It made her feel like such a big girl, just like sissy!!

I LOVE this picture. It captures Sophie's personality so well. We went on a walk through the neighborhood and she just pranced around and had so much fun.

Lily spotted the playground!! Unfortunately, it had just rained and was really wet so we didn't get to play on it. Right after I snapped this picture a HUGE fit presented itself in the form of a screaming, kicking, thrashing little Lily. ;)

Lily was sooo excited to be out on a walk! She'd been stuck in the house, sick, for a few days.

Sophie Jane just adores her baby sister so much. We have been so blessed in that area! And Sophie is Lily's HERO. Like most little sisters do she copies everything that big sis does!!

My big girl. I can't believe how much she has grown up in the last few months! She's not a baby anymore, but we are really enjoying this KID!! Such a sweet little girl...Love you sweetie!

Me and my littlest. She's just the sweetest little thing and is so adventurous! Always willing to try something new.