Thursday, August 25, 2011

We Visited the New Library!

Lily and Mommy Cheesin'!

Spinning the Wheel!
So Pretty <3
Listening to Grammy on the other end
Standing in a cubby!

...What a fun little outing!! If you haven't gone to the new library in Vancouver, check it out. Its really modern looking and there's lots of fun stuff for the kiddo's.

I'm Back!!

Wow! It been a year and a half since I last blogged! My sweet Sophie Jane is 3 years old and has turned into such a KID! No more baby...:( But I love this new stage. I feel like I have a built-in little buddy. She is so creative and smart and keeps us entertained always!

Lily Maye is 14 months old now!! She started walking about a month ago and absolutely loves her new-found independance! She's alot more outwardly sensitive than miss Sophie and requires alot of cuddling and loves and has such a cute little sense of humor. Mmmmm....I love those Princesses!!

Anyways, stay tuned for sweet and funny updates of my little chica's! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do (or at least pretty close ;)