Thursday, August 25, 2011

I'm Back!!

Wow! It been a year and a half since I last blogged! My sweet Sophie Jane is 3 years old and has turned into such a KID! No more baby...:( But I love this new stage. I feel like I have a built-in little buddy. She is so creative and smart and keeps us entertained always!

Lily Maye is 14 months old now!! She started walking about a month ago and absolutely loves her new-found independance! She's alot more outwardly sensitive than miss Sophie and requires alot of cuddling and loves and has such a cute little sense of humor. Mmmmm....I love those Princesses!!

Anyways, stay tuned for sweet and funny updates of my little chica's! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do (or at least pretty close ;)